Tech 9

Why We Can Be Connected but Alone.

In a recent Ted talk we watched in class, we learned about how even though we are all connected more than ever we are lonely and that we use our phones too much, therefore not getting enough face-to-face interaction. This Ted talk was to me not entirely true, bu a lot of the ideas she talked about I agree with. Like how we are spending too much time on technology. I mean almost my entire day is on technology, like my laptop, phone or TV, I’m constantly on there. The reason I don’t agree with her idea that we are lonely because of it is because I got to school and see my friends the entire day, I talk with them face-to-face and I laugh with them. I also do that when I get home and I talk to them on social media, and just because they’re not right beside me, doesn’t mean that I don’t laugh with them or that I don’t feel like I’m not actually connected with them. Although I do understand why she talked about it because there are people out there that try to make friends online or try to even make friends with AI’s , because they aren’t able to make friends, because of circumstances like social anxiety. Although I don’t think it’s only kids who have these problems.

Many adults including my parents spend a lot of time on their phones, and most of the time it’s not that they use it for entertainment or enjoyment but rather for work. I can recall many times where my dad was on his phone when we were eating breakfast, and it was usually for work. Now I don’t necessarily think that they’re giving me less attention because of this but it does get annoying when I try to tell them something but they’re too wrapped up in their phone or show. Would I like for my parents to spend more attention on me? I don’t think that I want more attention because as I am the youngest in my family I am showered with attention and so I think I’ve had enough attention from my younger days that I’m not too displeased that they aren’t showing as much attention to me. Also even Mrs. Turkle who presented the Ted talk said that she spends a lot of time on her phone. I don’t think that parents who are like this are bad parents and actually i think it’s better that they are spending more time with technology, because technology is the future and so if these parents want to be able to know how to do things with computers and other pieces of technology they should start now and get used to it, so that in the future it’s easier to understand and use. This is why I think that parents should use their phone more and why I’m not too bothered by it.

The other Idea she talked about that I wanted to discuss was that we are clinging to AI’s more than actual humans. Although I understand where she’s coming from, I have to respectfully disagree with her. I believe that there are people out there who associate better with AI’s rather than actual humans, and so they feel that they don’t need other humans as long as they have AI’s. Honestly, I see why they think that way, for certain people other humans may terrify or annoy them, but in a AI they can program it how they want it to be and so they aren’t bothered by it. On the other hand I dislike the idea of talking, and holding a conversation with an artificial life form. However I don’t have something like social anxiety, so I can’t comprehend how it feels, but I have moments where I feel lonely, but when that happens I have friends who I can talk to. Most of the time I talk to my friends on social media and at no point have I ever really felt lonely, and I know from talking to a lot of my friends and other people that, I’m not the only person like this, many people talk through social media an aren’t lonely. This is why I cannot agree with what she said.

In the end I agree with her overall message that we are using technology too much and that we are slowly drifting away from society. I mean I’ve seen it happen in my own life, I can remember when I was younger that everyday I would go outside, and play with my friends, but now I only see them at school and sometimes on the weekends. This was enough to prove to me that we are in ac getting further an further away from society, and to be completely honest, I’m not too displeased with it. I think that it’s not good that we are drifting away but it’s not bad either, I believe that it is something that is inevitable and that we should let it happen. Does this mean we should use technology non-stop like we already are? No, of course not, we should use technology to further advance humanity but in moderation. We shouldn’t constantly be looking at a screen and should take some time to do other things like go outside, exercise, even read a book if it gets you away from technology. These are my thoughts on Mrs. Turkle’s Ted Talk.

Sherry Turkle’s Ted Talk:

4 thoughts on “Why We Can Be Connected but Alone.

  1. Hello Nizaam,

    For an assignment I was made to comment on another student who had similar hobbies to mine and so I found you. I found your article interesting it was intuitive and well thought out. I really related to the idea of my parents being too wrapped up in there work to be able to provide attention to me. However, as a middle child and “good boy” I’ve grown use to being skipped over, so I to do not mind too much. I can agree that people are becoming less connected with all this technology I see it happen all the time. I myself do not own a phone and often find my friends preferring to browse their phones rather then have a conversation with me. I noticed you didn’t bring up the idea of friends taking media over relationship which unfortunately is becoming more common place in our society. Finally, I like to just one more thing How is your day.



    1. I too think that many of my friends are more connected to their phones than they are to me. Just today I had friends send me a snap chat while I was in the same room as him. Also my day is going wonderfully and I hope yours is too.


  2. This is a pretty well put together blog. I really enjoyed your perceptive on adults and their use of technology. I agree that parents and adults are on it just as much as teens at times and it is true that a lot of the time we are using it for work. However, that is not always the case and parents need to be aware of the amount of time they are spending on technology in front of their kids for two main reasons. First is that we are role models for our kids…monkey see, monkey do…right? The second is that our kids need to feel that they are loved and receiving enough attention. If we are constantly in front of screens as parents it is hard to do this.

    I really appreciated hearing your thoughts on AI and I like that you considered the fact that it could be beneficial for those who have social anxiety issues.

    Be sure to change the link you provided to the TedTalk to an actually link that functions as one.


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